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About me

Gender Female
Introduction Well, I truly think I am the most blessed wife and mother there is! I have a fantastic husband who is wicked smart, compassionate, loving, affectionate, hardworking...I could go and on. Once God gave him to me, he then gave me two beautiful, healthy, smart, wonderful little girls. Although that Masters Degree was finally finished and I loved being a Therapist, I have to say that getting the chance to be a stay at home mom is by far the best opportunity I've ever had! We recently made the decision to homeschool and it has been so much fun thus far. Madeline is a brilliant little sponge and loves to do her "school work".
Interests My newest interest is gardening. It happened more out of necessity, but as it turns out, it is very gratifying to see your own little broccoli and strawberries coming up in your yard! I recently started an apple orchard and I can't wait to get results from that! It turns out that gardening is in fact an extreme sport.........and great exercise! Also out of's funny how things work, I am now a proud member of the NRA and owner of several nice pieces of steel! Learning to shoot and the feeling of security (for as long as our 2nd Amendment is still around) feels great!