
My blogs

About me

Location France
Introduction Auteur de bd, illustrateur, sérigraphe et animateur d'atelier bd.
Interests La bd, le cinéma, les séries télé, la lecture, la course à pied et le métal : faith no more, type o negative, rage against the machine, ac/dc, iron maiden, black sabbath, led zepellin, airbourne, craddle of filth, metallica, slayer, biohazard, my dying bride, 6h33, sepultura, samael, queen of the stone age, devin townsend, tomahawk, the gathering, sup, fear factory, infectious grooves, finntrol, system of a down, clawfinger, machine head, five finger death punch, primordial, bodycount, rammstein, oomph, black bomb a, vader, rob zombie, impureza ...
Favorite Books Beaucoup d'auteur de polar et de roman noir.