Kani Mikala

About me

Interests I like muffins. They are my staple food along with cheese. I like my cheese. My favourite types are mozzarella and parmesan. Some people think parmesan smells funny. They're wrong.
Favorite Movies Godzilla vs. Megalon!! W00t W00t!! It's the most horribly dubbed movie I have ever seen. They should have just kept it in Japanese..
Favorite Music Yes, I could say that I enjoy music. I am a flute/piccolo/piano player who never actually listens to the radio. Perhaps I will eventually find an instrumental station that I like. And maybe I will obtain an MP3 player eventually and load it entirely with FFVII music. Just maybe. My favourite song of all time has to be "Faerie's Aire and Death Waltz". Look it up on google or something. It's awesome I tell you.
Favorite Books More like favourite authors. John Wyndham, George Orwell, Garth Nix, Robin Jones Gunn, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes.. And the list goes on.. I haven't finished everything by John Wyndham mainly because I can't find all of his books. Probably because he wrote under six different names and he died a long time ago. It kind of sucks when your favourite author is dead. That means they won't be writing any more books..

"Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time." -Mark Twain