Sammy V
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- /Film
- 13th hour
- 1minutefilmreview
- 2,500 Movies Challenge
- 2.71828182845904523536...
- <b>80 years of Oscar Winning Movies</b>
- A Beautiful Diary
- a painting life
- A Place for Reviews
- All Climbing
- Arty
- Awards Wiz
- bang your head
- Between Action and Apathy
- Bikes in New York
- Blog Cabins: Movie Commentary and Reviews Made Fun
- Boehmcke's Human Condition
- Breathing Movies
- C H I M C H U M
- Carta Abierta
- CaseytheRay
- chaotic poetic spits
- Cinema Geek
- Cinema Obsessed
- CineMarvellous!: Quick Movie Reviews by George Beremov
- CinemaSlants
- Cinematic Ceremony
- Cinepinion
- Conversations From Land's Edge
- Critic Approved
- Cut The Crap Movie Reviews
- Defiant Success
- Diary of a Pizza Girl
- Dibbly Fresh
- Digital Meltd0wn Music Aggregator/Blogroll
- Dust and Water Studios
- Dylan's Favortie Films: 1939-1980
- Entertain Me
- Envision Image Photography
- Eyes Wired Open
- Feeding the Fire of Imagination
- film babble blog
- Film Experience Blog
- Film Forager
- Film Intel
- Films From the Supermassive Black Hole
- Final Cut
- Fitness Safari
- Flickers of Light
- Fodder for the streets
- From Midnight, With Love
- Girls Wearing Glasses
- Gravsports
- Hipstercrite
- Hold to the Rod
- I Am Kele
- I Shoot The Pictures
- Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health
- Intuitive Fitness
- James Deagle
- Jay's Movie Blog
- John Likes Movies
- Just Plain Something
- Keith Phipps Also Has A Blog
- Kevchino's Indie Music Blog
- Life in Travel
- LIFilmE
- Literary Rambles
- LT's Photoblog
- mababang langit
- Matthew's MEGA Movies
- MCRmix - a blog by Claire Gamble
- Melanie's Randomness
- Mizzie
- Movie Dearest
- My Best Friend Jules
- My Chaos My Bliss
- Nathan Bransford, Author
- Nerdist
- New Art
- nostomanic
- Not Just Movies
- Out of the Past
- Patchwork Ink
- Quest for Animation Glory
- R.I.P.D.D. Training
- Reel Fanatic
- Reel Whore
- Rock Climbing
- RogerEbert Headlines
- Samson Tribune
- Scare Sarah
- Science, Tea and Cats
- Screensucked
- She Blogged By Night
- SON:sation - Everything film
- Stale Popcorn
- Stouffville Daily Photo
- Strange Culture
- studio machine
- Suspend Your Disbelief
- technoknob
- thatfilmlover
- The Best Films of 2000s: This Guy Over Here
- The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
- The Film Connoisseur
- The Gentlemen's Blog to Midnite Cinema
- The Good, the Bad, and the Average
- The Large Association of Movie Blogs
- The Musings of Mister Williams
- The Next Door Critic
- The Spooky Vegan
- The Uninformed Film Critic
- TheMovie411
- themoviesnob
- Thrilling Days of Yesteryear
- Ticker Talks Film
- tidbits
- Train Now, Live Later
- Truth on Cinema
- Untitled Document
- Up And Running
- Waiting for John
- We could flood the streets
- what I'm interested in...
- Will Travel for Adventure: One Girl's Life on the Road
- you&amp;me
- fiendblog
Gender | Male |
Industry | Tourism |
Occupation | Wanderer |
Location | Austin, Texas, United States |
Introduction | Just your friendly neighborhood know-it-all. Ask me about comics, film and fitness. If I don't know the answer, I'll make something up. I also like being followed on Twitter @nextdoorcritic |
Interests | Film, fitness, health, comics, graphic novels, music, art, movies, TV |
Favorite Music | BLR, M83, Neon Indian, Kendrick Lamar, Lupe Fiasco, Bon Iver, Jonsi |
Favorite Books | American Gods, Treasure Island, Asterios Polyp, Pet Semetary, Chew |