
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Location Storkøbenhavn, Denmark
Introduction Jeg har en passion for god mad og vin. Jeg hører til i Københavnsområdet, hvor jeg bor, og New York området, hvor jeg voksede op. Har endnu ikke helt fundet ud af, hvad jeg vil være, når jeg bliver stor, men er pt begejstret for det jeg laver, som ejer af The Food Agency - vores skønne gastronomiske legeplads - og medmor i vores fine kantine, hvor vi traktere de dejligste medspisere med mad af de bedste råvarer - masser af økologi, kød fra fritgående dyr. ............................................................................................... I'm passionate about good food and wine, and love to cook, eat and drink - travel, too - especially with other good people. I feel at home a few places in the world - like the New York area, where I grew up, and the Copenhagen area, where I live. I still don't really know what I want to be when I grow up, but right now I'm happy being the owner of The Food Agency, hosting corporate events and team-building with food and wine, and running our lunchroom, feeding some super people with great food made of the best ingredients - lots of organics and meat from free-range animals.
Interests real people, gamle roser, ambition, love, fænomenologi, projekter, some things about France, feeling change while it's happening, family - blood and bonus, manga, friends, Slow Food, opera, sex, Mac, kønsblandinger, delebil, the truth, by+land, citroën, ice skating, van Morrison, reading Madonnas, research, dancing, home exchange, body, mushrooms, credit where credit is due