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About me

Gender Male
Industry Fashion
Occupation Student
Location London, United Kingdom
Introduction VANITY NIGHTMARE is an ongoing project by myself, Mark Small. Currently studying for a (BA) Hons at Southampton Solent University doing Fashion Graphics. What’s Fashion Graphics? Well, to me it's everything. I'm not a one trick pony, I can do pretty much anything I put my mind to, I love being involved in everything, and this course is really much like the job of an editor. I'm my own creative director, I come up with the ideas, I style the ideas, I shoot the ideas, I present the ideas. Lady Gaga is my idol, why? She’s like me, a creative director, ideas come to her naturally and she’s involved in everything. The main thing we both have in common is that Gaga got her big break, in the end she was noticed and she was given a chance. Me on the other hand is still waiting for that chance. It seems that many people in fashion are only out for themselves. I think that attitude is ridiculous, you don't get anywhere by yourself. Till then, I’m just a diamond, waiting to be found, in my case it's more like screaming to be heard.
Interests Fashion styling, makeup, fashion design, catwalks, advertising, fashion films, music videos, sculpture, art, design

'I've always been famous, it's just no one knew it yet' ~ Lady Gaga