Sara Ribeiro

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About me

Introduction I was born in Brazil in 1990. My family immigrated to the U.S. when I was six years old. I only really started living 7 years ago when Jesus Christ gently brought me back to him. He cleaned me up and freed me from my sins. He is continuing the good work he began in me I know he will never leave me or forsake me! I have had the great pleasure of discovering how wonderful God's plans are for me. I don’t know everything but I know God is in control and that is enough for me. Walking in his love and light are the best thing anyone could decide to do. There is so much freedom and joy that comes from that. If there’s one thing you need to know about me it’s that I have been transformed and continue to be transformed by Jesus Christ. I am in awe at his mercy and grace because I don’t deserve anything but death and pain. Yet he loves me and offers me life and life TO THE FULLEST! It has become a passion of mine to touch the lives of the broken and less fortunate. I know this love exists only because of the new heart that God has given me. I praise him for allowing me to take part in what he’s doing to bring healing, hope and reconciliation to the nations.