Maria Alejandra Pulgar

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Consulting
Occupation Integral Wellness Consultant
Location Doral, FL
Introduction Maria Alejandra Pulgar is a Mom. That is her choice in life. In college she majored in Computer Science Engineering, back in her native country, Venezuela and used to work for 10 years as an IT consultant for the Oil and Gas industry. Since moving to the US in 2001 she has been a Stay-at-home mom, involved in her community and very happy of raising her children in a bilingual environment. She has a home based business on aromatherapy and healthy leaving and has recently pursued her long forgotten dream of writing for a newspaper. She now writes for Doral Family Journal, a successful blog turned to print in these times when digital platforms are the trend. She now lives in Doral, FL with her husband Julio and their three children: Eduardo, Isabel and Miguel.