Frivolous spam

My blogs

About me

Location Bucklame, and Fumedgm, New Zealand
Introduction This blog is the brain child of senior citizens Margaret and Wilheim imparting deep and meaningful wisdom. Just kidding! Megs and Wil are actually a couple of Optometry/Pharmacy uni students who had nothing better to do today. They are using this blog for when they're on different islands, to replace the pigeon who got lost over the Cook Strait.

Bucklame is what happens when you try to txt "Auckland" using Megan's phone on predictive (T9). Fumedgm is some random southern place that Wil lives in, aka Dunedin.

Frivolous (adj): self-indulgently carefree; unconcerned about or lacking any serious purpose.

Frivelocity: Megs's and Wil's made up noun for 'frivolous' with a sciencey twist, synonymous with their literary diarrhoea.

How TINASB got its sacred name - The post explaining how it all started!