
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Technology
Occupation Software Engineer
Location United States
Introduction I am a sci-fi and fantasy junkie, and I write in my free time. No recent publications, but I'm working to fix that. I'm a software engineer by day, and I am interested in all sorts of issues dealing with software, in particular software engineering and artificial intelligence. Being a writer, and an enthusiast for complex fiction, I also have a deep interest in issues relating to writing, love, identity, how the mind works, and the human condition (how's that for a nice catch-all?).
Interests Reading, Writing, Literary Analysis, Software Development, Art, Drawing, Painting, Video Games, Camping, Hiking
Favorite Movies Memento, The Return of the King, Shaun of the Dead, Blade Runner, Spirited Away
Favorite Books The Book of the New Sun, Use of Weapons, Snow Crash, Stardust, The Wolf of Winter, Little Big, The Dark is Rising, The Time Traveler's Wife