Hilary Ostrov

About me

Introduction For those who do not know me, I live in Vancouver, BC and have been involved in the virtual world since 1993. My background is quite varied and includes a few years (back in the '80's) as Director of JSU/Hillel at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. Sadly, given the current climate, it's not a position I think I would relish holding today. For the last 15 years, I have been doing software consulting, support and training, as well as database design, website development and other computer related "stuff"!

In my spare time, I like to play Bridge, Scrabble and various other trivial pursuits – as well as dabbling in writing, some examples of which can be found on my website.

As one who avidly followed Irving vs Lipstadt/Penguin Books in 2000, I thoroughly enjoyed reading History on Trial and for some years I assisted Prof. Lipstadt in maintaining her blog. Since December, 2009, I have been blogging at The View From Here.