Astrid Molly Llewellyn Fischier

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About me

Occupation Studying.
Location Stockholm
Introduction Greetings, I am not Lindgren.
Interests Literature means very much to me. Without it, I am a shell with no slug. Who wants that? Well, not the French at least. Phlegm would be very disappointed. Any way, I both read and write. Keeps the monsters at bay and I for one quite like that fact. I suspect you do too, just not aware yet are we, hhm? Music, both listening and playing/singing. Works like medicine. It's the best. Saving the wordl. I am vegetarian, I cannot spell. But I try to eat vegan food as much as often as I can, yay! I take the bus and the train. Sometimes I do an Elisabeth Bennet and walk all the way to my destination, wherever that may be. Otherwise there are these. Running/Language-study/Baking/Observing/Knowledge and the proper use of a rubber duck.
Favorite Movies Well my favourite director has to be Guillermo Del Toro. (Pans Labyrinth, Hellboy, Hellboy 2 - the golden army, El Ofernato) Another one is Quentin Tarantino. (Inglorious Basterds, Kill Bill, 1 & 2) Luc Besson is a master.(The Fifth Element, Leon: The Professional, La Femme Nikita) Tom Tykwer. (Lola rennt, Der Kaiserin und die krieger) My favourite film when I was a little one was The Neverending Story, directed by Wolfgang Petersen. It's still my favourite film. Awkwardly enough.
Favorite Music Stuff that sounds delichuz! Plaid / Devin Townsend / Emilie Autumn / Igorrr / Björk / Metric / Gojira / Joe Hisashi / Keane / Depeche Mode / Epica / The Swedish Shortsnouts / Battles /Skrillex / Damon Albarn / VAST.
Favorite Books The Harry Potter series <-- Saved my life more than once. School would have been total hell without it. Thank you Jäy Käy! Eragon series <-- Made it all seem so much more bearable. Life that is. A book series that always inspires me to live life to the fullest. Jane Austen books <-- For making me believe in love again every time I started to doubt it. Douglas Adams <-- For being so whimsy but still getting away with it, cheeky bastard. Neil Gaiman <-- A wonderful author who manages to make even the smallest tidbits into something magnificent. Lemony Snicket <-- Oh the lovely pessimism, and the sarcasm. That's mentioning a few. Will prolly add some more ^__ ^

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