Bhatarsaigh agus na Raiders

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Publishing
Location United Kingdom
Introduction The Vatersay Raiders, a landmark early 20th Century episode which captured the public imagination and caused a political "furore" within politiics and the media. What does the future hold for island communities such as Vatersay? We need to look ahead, but can we learn from our past mistakes? Now is not the time to accept the status quo. Bidh am bloga seo ga ùrachadh, beag air bheag, air na mìosan a tha romhainn. Nochdaidh beagan fiosrachaidh sa Bheurla an-dràsta 's a-rithist. Ach 's e Gàidhlig a bhios anns a' mhòr-chuid.
Interests Social justice, empowerment, Scottish Gaelic, land struggle, islands, education, Ireland, autonomy, radical change, cànain, ceartas, cumhachd, eileanan, Èirinn, Gàidhlig, foghlam, strì, Barraigh, Alba, gnothaichean eadar-nàiseanta
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