Magical Press Inc

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About me

Industry Marketing
Introduction As an author I've been working to get published since 2003; having learned early on things don’t always go according to plan and that the industry is not as easy to break into as success stories would have you believe, I decided I would need to have a plan B. I quickly realized the best option, which would still allow me to stay close to what I loved was Graphic Design. More specifically advertising. I would learn the ins and outs of the graphic design industry in the hopes of getting hired by a publishing company, what makes a good book and what makes it sell (a key feature in publishing my own book as well). Then after several years with them, I would eventually be able to branch out on my own and create my own publishing house. Magical Press, Inc. It’s a big plan and its taken many years to get this far; and while I have no plan on halting my writing career any time soon, it’s always good to know there’s something to fall back on and help me to realize my larger goal of self-employment as a businessperson. It’s been quite a journey these last 8 years, but I wouldn’t change any of it for a second, and whether it takes 2 years or 10, I don’t intend to give up my goals.