
About me

Location New York, United States
Introduction My name is Kate and I’m a 21 year old undergraduate living in Upstate New York. I’m a typical college girl: I’m kept pretty busy with my classes, my tutoring job, and my sorority and friends. Like everyone else, I’m balancing the carefree fun of college with the ever increasingly “adult-like” parts of my life. Remember the first time that you moved into your own place? Maybe you did recently, like me! This past year my girlfriends and I moved into our very own little apartment and I was forced to teach myself a few new skills, like how to turn on the oven, followed by how to disable the smoke alarm! I’ve improved greatly though, thank goodness, and now I love cooking for myself and for my friends. Collegiate Chic 101 is my attempt to document my escapades in the adult world, always trying to be as fabulous as I always wanted to be when I was “all grown up.” I’ll be writing about food, wines, cocktails, cleaning, fashion, decorating, entertainment, and anything else that would baffle a 21 year old college kid. You have to grow up sometime right? Let’s just hope the result is unbearably chic.