
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Darfur, Sudan
Introduction I am a woman working in Darfur. I normally live in Washington DC. This blog is primarily aimed at observations of living abroad, particularly of the practical or humorous nature. I strongly prefer to keep my personal and professional life separate; so don't link my full name and/or any other personal details to my blog! The other purpose of this blog is to discuss Darfur from the perspective of being out here; although I am not an aid worker and thus not quite as close to the source. Any opinions expressed here are not necessarily the opnions of and/or a reflection on my employer, co-workers etc. I also just want to show that it is possible to be a woman living a RELATIVELY normal life in a conflict or post-conflict (depending on your view) environment. Finally, please insert all usual disclaimers of "no opinions here are any substitute for the advice of qualified professionals, nor is this blog an endorsement/recommendation etc for any actions etc etc etc" Seriously, this is a blog. Only a blog.