Mrs. Morales

My blogs

About me

Introduction I'm just me-I'm actually very grateful for so much in my life. My health for one, I love to run and practice yoga. I am married to the perfect guy for me!! We dated 7 years before we where married 6 years ago!! I have a fantastic job that challanges me, and allows me to help others. I have lots of great friends and family that surround me. When I have "me time"- I like to be reading, running, practicing Anusara yoga or traveling. I wish I could travel more. I love the ocean and water. Let's see-oh and I have a cute jack russell terrier named Santo!! That's about me! The purpose of this blog is to join me in my journey to train for a half-marathon and raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Please be sure to visit my website to read more and donate at: Thanks for reading!