syafrina shy

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Student
Location manjung, perak, Malaysia
Introduction *shy*kakak* sweet things look fine to me ~LOVE~ *abah,mama,aja,anaz,shahin.. *my everything..(of coz my fiance,him :) ) *shoppin'..the best feeling i had.. *sports..joggin',playin' basketball with frens..miss those moments like kt utm dulu..guyz i miss u all la..bile bole jumpa lg ek ..huhu.. *makan..uish paling best..(eventhough pocket money dah kosong already but still can't control my desire on dat food ok..really..(sumtimes have to borrow fren's money..kihkihkih) sleepin..(pillow??bolster??blanket?? dat's enuf..hehe) ~Hate~ *hate the situation when i hated sumone...
Favorite Movies ermm..lately jarang watch with frens lg da tak bole coz i was told not to do so..:( tk ingat suke muvee cane..haha..shy tipu!!!..mcm la muvee ade kt cinema tell u da truth..genre muvee that i like most are listed below (ayat soalan exam ok..hikhik) *horror *love story ..(suddenly tringt kt my sweetheart..hehe..) *klaka *action muvee (sumetimes, depends on my mood la) *tak tau da..rase nk tgk..tgk je..:p
Favorite Music oh..all kind of depends on mud..
Favorite Books not much..

who gave me the name of shy..?? ~Mama~