jenny knecht

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Sweden
Introduction My whole life I have been fascinated by human nature. What makes us tick, what makes us sick? But more important than this - how do we dare to live and be fully who we are! Blossom and live our life from the heart trusting that no matter what, we are ok! Break free from the fear that we are nothing, that some day, someone will pop our bubble! In all that I bring into this world, whether it is being with my family and friends or showing up as a bodywork practitioner, teacher of the 5Rhythms®, Heart Circle facilitator, HeartIQ Coach, Inspirational Speaker or teaching school (theatre, drama & communication) I have one intention, to be a messenger of love, convey that each and every one of us is worth and worthy to be loved! That no matter what life is a gift worth living! More about me at: