
My blogs

About me

Introduction sooo, this is my little corner of the internet. what's that? you want to know about me? oh. well, i like LA and NY equally. i wear glasses but only when i'm at the computer. i like really stupid jokes usually involving nerd humor (did you hear the one about the neutron?) yeah. i'm 1 part philospher, 1 part fiesty, and all around pretty awesome. any more than 1 cup of coffee makes me bounce off the walls. i will always challenge you to an arm wrestle, even knowing i'll lose. i love card stores and school supplies, and pineapple coconut water. everytime law and order: svu is on i have to watch it..even if i've seen it before. i cry during the olympics because i love watching other people's dreams come true. i wish i didn't bite my nails, and that i didn't immediately get bored when people say "economy."