
My blogs

About me

Industry Education
Occupation Education Specialist
Location United States
Introduction I am a 20 something bilingual Education Specialist. I spent almost 4 years in or near the epicenter of the February 27th, 2010 8.8 earthquake & tsunami in Chile. I was in my 19th floor apartment in Santiago when that earthquake happened, 6,600 miles away from my family. I will never forget how the building tilted from side-to-side like the Titanic, the ground shook like turbulence on a plane, & my roommate was screaming at me that "we were going to die." I completed a master's thesis on the role of community-based organizations in a post-catastrophe emergency situation. Talking to survivors who rebuilt after losing everything in a tsunami that the Chilean government had told its citizens and the world would not happen taught me about the resilience of a human, the true meaning of community, & the importance of working together under the old adage of "love thy neighbor. I advocate for ending the stigma surrounding mental illness, re-thinking the categories of disability under IDEA, changing our perceptions surrounding the paradigm of "normal versus disability", & for stream-lining and modernizing the current immigration system in the US.
Interests Learning languages, Public Policy, International Relations, Women's Rights, Learning & Studying, Sustainability & Development, Poverty & the definition thereof, Teaching, Writing, Traveling, and Jogging/Weight lifting.