
My blogs

About me

Occupation Full Time Fucker-Offer
Location The Fattest City In America. Houston, Texas
Introduction I know enough about everything to pronouce the words right, but not enough to talk intelligently about it. This qualifies me for 2 things. Writing a Blog, or being President.... My trailer has a flat so i can't move to Washington so I'm doing this instead... Im a Dude. Ok, I'm a Dude that likes other Dudes. So yea im a big gay ape. I'm also married, and Mormon. Both of those will probably be kicking me out soon. I came out to my family at 39 & 11/12ths years old and boy was THAT fucking fun. Want an even better time? Yea, wait for the fucking HOLIDAYS to do it... So I'm newly out, turning 40 and ready to kick the fucking door to the closet open and swing from the god damn rafters in all my gay hairy naked glory! Want to come along? follow the fucking blog and have some fun.
Interests White Trash RV's, Beards, Men who arn't afraid to pee in the shower..., Tv dinners, Ass on the couch with no underwear barriers, driving around like Porky Pig(shirt only, no pants), Bitching about the cold, Bitching about the heat, Saying Gee..that looked so much better on you in the store...
Favorite Movies Desperado but only part one. Part 2 sucked Balls., the Re-make of Dawn of the Dead because Richard Cheese has a Song in it., Anything with Blood Violence Guns Car Chases and Man Ass in it is cool with me.
Favorite Music I like all kinds of music. I would say im eclectic, but i have never had a seizure in my life....
Favorite Books this is excluding porn, right? gimme a minute.....