
My blogs

About me

Introduction Do you ever feel like someone came into your home overnight, snatched the wonderful child you gave birth to and raised effortlessly (for the most part) for about 14 years, and then left this unrecognizable creature in her place? She’s sassy and standoffish one minute, then free-spirited and affectionate the next? Lynn Armitage and Maria Bailey started this blog to wrap sympathetic arms around all you moms of teens who are wondering how the heck you’re going to survive these maddening years. We don't understand why parenting magazines and websites don't offer much information about parenting teens. After all, our job isn’t over when our kids turn 10! In fact, they need their mothers now more than ever! So let’s build this community together, and build it fast. Our teenagers are taking on different alien forms every day. (And the cocoons around our tweens are already starting to crack!) There's not a moment to lose!