Faith McKay

About me

Location Full Time Traveler
Introduction I write stories about characters with real world struggles in otherworldly settings. I wrote a book with characters that struggle with the idea of having a destiny called PROPHECY GIRL. In comparison, I really lucked out that my destiny was to struggle with comma placement and be that awkward lady who points out puns at parties. But like Walt Whitman said, I am large, I contain multitudes. Other things to know about me… I wear two different colored shoes. I am a survivor of child abuse. I have lived with chronic illness for over a decade. A lot of people don't like me because I laugh too much. It's also the reason a lot of other people do like me, so go figure. I listen to more music than people are probably supposed to. I'm a nomad. The word sounds really cool, so a lot of people say it, but I actually live in an RV with my husband and our pet bunny rabbit, Dorian Gray. If you'd like to know more about Prophecy Girl or myself, visit my website at