Bruce K. Gagnon

My blogs

About me

Industry Non-Profit
Occupation Political organizer; blogger; writer
Location Brunswick, ME, United States
Introduction The collapsing US military & economic empire is making Washington & NATO even more dangerous. US could not beat the Taliban but thinks it can take on China-Russia-Iran...a sign of psychopathology for sure. We must all do more to help stop this western corporate arrogance that puts the future generations lives in despair. @BruceKGagnon
Interests Cooking, reading, walking, shoveling snow, pot luck suppers, protesting on the street, baseball (Baltimore Orioles), basketball (Washington Wizards), gardening; stacking firewood; blogging
Favorite Movies Dances with Wolves; The Yes Men; Matawan; The Grapes of Wrath; The Panama Deception; The Revolution will not be televised; Sir! No Sir!; Gandhi; On the Waterfront; The Great Debaters; Reds; Fahrenheit 9/11; American Blackout; Apocalypse Now; JFK; Platoon; Ukraine on Fire; Sing Sing;
Favorite Music The Kinks; The Beatles; Ray Davies; Tom Neilson; Holly Gwinn Graham; Marvin Gaye; O'Jays
Favorite Books Old Man and the Sea; The Education of Little Tree; Secret Agenda; Player Piano; Black Elk Speaks; Lame Deer Seeker of Visions; Writings and Speeches of Eugene V. Debs; The Pentagon Papers; The Little Engine That Could (kids book); Crazy Horse: The Strange Man of the Oglalas; Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther King Jr.; Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee; On the Run; Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management; Friendly Fascism; JFK and the Unspeakable - Why He Died & Why It Matters; People's History of the United States; Labor's Untold Story; Me & Lee: How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald; Reflections on the Roots of U.S. Involvement in Korea; The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government; Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horseman, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network; Memory of Fire: Century of the Wind; The China Mirage: The Hidden History of American Disaster in Asia; The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World; Methodical Illusion [9/11 novel]; The Secret Team: The CIA & Its Allies in Control of the US & the World; Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, The Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids; Marys Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer & Their Vision of World Peace; Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future; Silage Choppers & Snake Spirits: The Lives & Struggles of Two Americans in Modern China; Bread and Wine; Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone; The Autobiography of Mother Jones; Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher; The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017; A Plague upon Humanity: The Hidden History of Japan's Biological Warfare Program; NATO in the Balkans;