Alex Israel
My blogs
Introduction | As an educator and a Rabbi, I am currently involved in several fabulous institutions and projects. I teach Tanach and Jewish Thought at Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi, I am Director of the Community Education program at Machon Pardes, Jerusalem. And I lead Tanakh tours of sites around Israel; City of David, Western Wall tunnels, Tzipppori, Ramat Rachel, Shilo and others - email me to book a tour. I write and podcast for the Virtual Beit Midrash. Currently, my most exciting new thing is my new book on Kings I. It is called "Torn in Two - Melakhim I" and will be published by Maggid in Spring 2012. I love lecturing abroad and I enjoy my lecture tours as scholar-in-residence. I live with my wife Aliza and 4 fabulous kids in Alon Shevut, Gush Etzion. It is a wonderful Yishuv with a great number of educators, and the Yeshiva in which I learned - Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush). Apart from teaching, I conduct weddings for Tzohar - an organisation which aims at bridging gaps between the secular and religious public here in Israel. I play guitar, and I run a few times a week to stay in shape. I love living in Israel and thank God every day that I am here. |
Favorite Music | Aharon Razael, Etti Ankri, Ahinoam Nini, Soulfarm, Avishai Cohen, Paul Simon, Beatles, Moshav Band, Simply Tzfat, Stevie Wonder, Sting, Hadag Nachash, Nomi Shemer, Loius Armstrong, Yehudah Policker. How is that for an eclectic mix? |