Saumya Srivastava

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location India
Introduction About Me Well if you ask a person who writes, she will penned down loads of things but still feel it as incomplete�� but let me try to make it brief & simple. As my love towards writing made me to start blogging. I put my love into words and try to connect each moments of life. Its kind of puzzle to put together correct words to express your thoughts. Writing is something that i was passionate from my school days. I used to penned down in diaries but not used to express to anyone else just keep it as private to me. After completing my Post Graduation, I just got busy in teaching but writing too was going in parallel. Then after marriage I was also busy in making my home. My husband encourages me to share my writings to the world and share some of my articles to his office magazine which got selected for publish.I started insta page as well where I received lot of appreciation and supports both national and internationally to come forwards . These things boosted my confidence to start this blog. Well i am not the best in this business but hope you will enjoy with some of my stuffs.