Aparna Muktibodh

About me

Gender Female
Location India
Interests Reading, writing, blogging (it's that the same as writing?), basically an insatiable appetite for knowledge for which the Internet is a god-send! I'm a new blogger. Well, I did create one of my blogs back in 2011 but forgot all about it. I'm only now discovering the joys of blogging and enjoying it thoroughly. I still don't spend a lot of time on my blogs though... maybe because it's early days. Anyway, the topics that are closest to my heart, and the topics that I read about the most, are spirituality and philosophy. But I don't learn for the sake of learning; I am after all a "pragmatist" (as per MBTI terminology. If you don't know what that is, look it up and if possible take the test, it's fun!). I'm particularly interested in making use of the principles and knowledge gained via my reading in day to day life. To continually refine my personality and create a happy and fulfilling life. To that end, my blog 'Stop chasing, start celebrating' will be used to share my knowledge, gained from extensive reading and practical implementation, with my fellow internet-ers.
Favorite Movies So many, but mostly those that revolved around a female protagonist. So both the Kill Bill volumes, Charlies Angels, many other chick flicks as well as action flicks. I'm a sucker for legal drama and supernatural thrillers as well!