My blogs
Blogs I follow
- $25,000 Dividends
- 1500 Days to Freedom
- A Better Me - My Path to Financial, Physical, and Mental Well Being
- A Frugal Family's Journey
- A Journey to $100 Million Net Worth
- Accumulating Assets
- All About Interest
- Brick By Brick Investing
- Buy Smart Never Sell - Dividend Investing Blog
- Canadian Dream: Free at 45
- Canadian Personal Finance
- Canadian Personal Finance Blog
- Captain Dividend
- Cashville Skyline
- Chatting Finance | Discussing Strategies to Make Money and Save Money
- Compounding Income
- Div Saver
- DivGro
- DivHut
- Dividend and Whisky
- Dividend Diplomats
- Dividend Engineering
- Dividend Growth Machine
- Dividend Growth Stock Investing
- Dividend Growth Stocks
- Dividend Hawk
- Dividend Hustler
- Dividend Ladder
- Dividend Mantra
- Dividend Mongrel
- Dividend Monk
- Dividend Reinvestment Calculator
- Dividend Tactics
- Dividend Venture
- Dividend Yield - Stock, Capital, Investment
- Dividendasaur
- Dividends for Dummies - Dividends for Dummies
- FI JourneyFI Journey
- Finance Journey
- Financial Freedom
- First Quarter Finance
- Frankly Frugal Finance
- Free2retire30 - Blog
- Freedom Thirty Five Blog
- Freedom Through Passive Income
- Get Financially Integrated!
- Getting A Rich Life
- Happy, Healthy and Wealthy Girl
- Hello Suckers ...
- House Hunt Victoria
- HowtoInvestOnline
- I Am 1 Percent
- impersonal finance
- Income Surfer
- Invest Like Grampa
- Investing Pursuits
- Investment Talk
- Journey to 90 million
- Long Term Mindset
- Million Dollar Donkey | wait… where's the donkey? Duh...he's busy working!
- Modest Money - helping you control your money through modest living
- My Dividend Pipeline
- My Journey to Financial Independence
- My Own Advisor
- Passive Income Pursuit
- Project $3 Million
- Quit Your Job - Sell Your Stuff - Travel Abroad | Tieland to Thailand
- Retire Before Dad
- Roadmap2Retire
- Rockstar Finance
- Root of Good
- Special Agent Dividend
- Starting From Zero
- Tawcan
- The Canadian Dividend Blogger
- The Conservative Income Investor
- The DIV-Net
- The Dividend Guy Blog
- The Dividend Ninja
- The Dividend SWAN
- The Financial Blogger
- The Passive Income Earner
- Two Investing
- Wallet Engineers
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Full Time Grinder |
Location | Victoria, BC, Canada |
Interests | Making money, Saving money, Watching money grow, Talking about money |
Favorite Movies | Wall Street, Godfather 2, There will be blood |