JD Hendo

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Location Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Introduction Over the years, I have enjoyed food of all kinds, from all types of restaurants and from many countries. As far as food goes, I live by the mantra to 'try anything once, and most things twice'. Having been brought up in Northern California, and in a household where we ate out at nice restaurants, I had been exposed to many different foods from an early age. As I got older, and my tastes developed, I started to cook with a very 'open minded' style and mindset, and that led me to use cooking as a creative outlet. At the end of a busy or hard day, most of the time I enjoy opening up the refrigerator/pantry/freezer and creating something that is both pleasing to the taste and to the eye. Presentation is important to me - sure there are many times that don't call for fine china and crystal, but since I believe you eat with your eyes first, then your mouth second, you should be visually or aesthetically drawn to food...then satisfied as you eat it. OK, enough about my philosophy of food. Really, what you'll find here is a conglomeration of recipes, sometimes colorful commentary, and maybe even some appetizing pictures. Enjoy!