
My blogs

About me

Introduction My name is Meredith Sammons, and I started my love affair with makeup in the sixth grade when my Mom bought me my first tube of Clinique Tenderheart lipstick (don't act like you didn't have it). After that, I was hooked. I realized my love affair had developed into a full-fledged problem in high school when I refused to call an outfit "complete" until I had donned matching eyeshadow. Of course, there was also that dark time in 9th grade when white eyeliner was my best friend, but I digress. In college, I did my friends' makeup for sorority functions, nights out, you name it. And then came the weddings.... When you've got lots of super girlfriends, you get lots of super weddings. From there, my lil' hobby snowballed. I'm not writing this blog because I think I am sooooo interesting that everyone should care about my boring everyday life and innermost thoughts; I'm writing it because I have been asked multiple times to give tips, answer questions, talk about my favorite products, etc. So here goes!! Hope everyone enjoys!! I also am co-owner and designer of a jewelry company called M.Elaine Beadworks. Check us out!