The Unbearable Lightness of Blogging

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Introduction I was given a fountain pen when I was 8 that looked like the ones I'd seen in Disney films. In my eyes I was therefore a film star and decided I had to put said pen to use. They say 'the pen is mightier than the sword'. Well, that pen was my ultimate battle weapon and so began my love of writing in the form of my first story. It was all dandy until the blessed pen ran out of ink. Seeing as the idea of replacing the cartridge went over my head I was suddenly writing with the battle equivalent of a stick- my majestic fountain pen had been traded for an unapologetically tired looking pencil. That’s it I thought, this story’s toast, I can’t finish it with this. However, it was then I decided that indeed a workman should never blame his tools. I came to the conclusion that my ideas were muscley enough without a poncy writing implement, and I was going for it anyway, bare knuckled. So I did, and I still am. Although I do have a decent pen now actually.