
My blogs

About me

Introduction Ines(YaYa)是一個熱愛英國跟日本的女孩;喜歡設計工作,一生都在追求有創意的生活風格。不定期會空出旅行的時間給自己,穿梭在時空的轉換裡,以文字及影像來記錄所看到的美好事物,激發出創作慾。有人說她很浪漫,她倒覺得自己像是個固執的美學家;就是那種懂的不多卻愛針對美感發表意見的人。PS. 骨子裡是個叛逆又活潑的孩子!!!!! A girl who luvs working, but cares her living quality more. She knows when to take a rest and experience the fineness in those beautiful things around her, that's why she travels and photographs, so that she could see, observe and also create. Anyway, She enjoys her life, walks in her own pace, and tries to catch all aesthetics that appear in her past, present & future. Maggie(WaWa)從小就愛跑跳愛亂畫;對視覺影片、動畫以及美感平面設計皆有高度的興趣和玩味的角度。家裡滿滿的收藏種類不一的大小玩具,每個都有它獨特的意義。常常的跳躍性思考,讓旁人給予異樣的眼光;其實,她只是保有童心。對任何事物的關心和好奇,常常是她奇異思考的來源。She's been an energetic kid since childhood, good at drawing and has high interests in moving image, animation and graphic design. She has tons of toys in her room; each one has its own story and therefore contains different meaning. She likes to think out of box, which makes her a weird person in people’s eyes, but this is perhaps a kind of childlike innocence. She tries to be curious about things around her; this is how she gets her inspiration.