Jose Ulloa

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Location Costa Rica
Introduction Back in 2006 I was disappointed when Superman Returns (dir. Bryan Singer) didn't turn out to be what I expected. At the time I was in 2nd year of my career in filmmaking, so I decided to write a Superman script of my own, based on what I'd like to see in a movie. Well, now that Zack Snyder (one of my favorite directors) is actually doing MAN OF STEEL, it would seem Warner Bros. won´t be needing my script after all. So I've decided to publish it here in parts. It is still unfinished, but I hope to complete it through this blog. Needless to say that I don´t own the rights of Superman nor any of the characters mentioned in my script, nor the images in this blog. I neither expect to gain anything from this. Just look at it as a work of love for Superman.