Boon Raymond

My blogs

About me

Occupation Retired
Introduction Person with broad interests. Value all natural being in this earth, environmental conscious, heritage lover. Love life, each man in this earth should be able to enjoy their life fully, make his life more beautiful, which will enrich other people's life. Article from blog owner is copy right. Any articles and photographic material contained within this blog is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in any medium whatsoever. DISCLAIMER: The articles in the blog carry the personal views of the blog author. Readers are cautioned not to consider the contents written in this blog and all its ancillary documents as a legal or contracting policy advice in any way. Indeed, the information stated in this blog should not be relied upon as the ultimate reference of the truth. Since the author is not responsible for its contents and the comments from the public, it therefore assumes no liability. It also disavows knowledge or culpability of any such acts or claims on such acts in any way related to the views and opinions expressed in this blog. Everything presented on this blog is for informational purposes only and not to be taken as a contract, either implicit or explicit.
Interests interest in history, geography, tourism, business and any life subjects.
Favorite Movies No favorite movies, but as long as the movies are good it is my favorites. Blind to movie star but appreciate good actor/actress
Favorite Music Amazing Grace, and any songs that comfort my soul.
Favorite Books Bible, any books that enrich my knowledge