
About me

Introduction Currently hacking away at my Westminster Uni journalism course- bags under the eyes and tea in hand.
Interests um yeah, liiike things and stuff you know? innit though? Know wot i'm sayin'? Gawd, Whatever!
Favorite Movies American Psycho, The Prestige, North by Nortwest, Fight Club, King Kong, The Shining, Apocalypse Now, The Matrix
Favorite Music Radiohead, The Strokes, Jeff Buckley, Nick Drake, Jay-Z, The Beatles, Liars, Led Zeppelin, Interpol, Arcade Fire
Favorite Books Chuck Palahniuk, Bret Easton Ellis, Orwell, Pynchon, Kafka, Descartes

How do you pronounce the 'g' in bologna?

I don't, but I add a 'y' sound- ba-lon-yaa. What an odd question.