
About me

Gender Female
Industry Non-Profit
Occupation A drifter
Location 心之所向 便是家, Taiwan
Introduction What the hell is REAL? Friend A: 如真似假 似假還真 無處不在 無所不是 妳懷疑甚麼 or 妳相信甚麼? Friend B: Real is something that is existing objectively in the world. In opposition to virtual, real is true or actual... Friend C: Real is a feeling or a perspective. What you see, you feel, or you perceive are the images to you. You consider it as real, it is REAL. From a different angle or a different perspective, real may become virtual at a certain time. Friend D: Heaven and hell are REAL. . . Tantra says, in neither waking nor sleeping are you real. You are real only in between. 在半睡半醒之間 when the sleep has not yet come and external wakefulness vanishes, at this point Being (真我) is revealed. Medoli says, real and dream are two sides of the same coin. They exist simultaneously. Just be a witness and watch it happen. Watching, acceptance and awareness... Who am I? Well, it's me-- 不愛打扮 不虛榮 不愛名牌 (且經常建議諸親朋好友 做自己就好, 自己也可以是獨一無二的名牌), I am rather 很有個性 (stubborn? No. quite flexible), 很好學 又好奇. 愛才子 and 才女 不愛財大氣粗的人 認為學歷只供參考 智慧比知識更重要 喜歡能感動人心的人,事, 或物 不喜歡隨著媒體或廣告起舞 不喜歡人多的地方 即使親眼看見過蔣勳 背著PRADA 的黑色肩包 我還是照樣背著我的 NINE WEST 還挺自在的呢 相信我 NINE WEST 絕對不是捨名牌 喔! 對了! MUJI (無印良品) 也不錯ㄛ. . .OOPS! Where am I ? . .
Interests Yoga, Meditation, Reading
Favorite Movies Sunshine (1999) (Starring: Ralph Fiennes), Diving Bell and the Butterfly (French) Resurrection (Leo Tolstoy ), 亂, 細雪, 古都
Favorite Music Jazz, Bossa Nova
Favorite Books 安藤忠雄作品 etc..., 孤獨六講(蔣勳), 星字鍵(貝努娃特.葛胡)(French), 我相信 (This I Believe) (卡洛斯.富安蒂斯) (Mexico), The Art of Racing in the Rain (Garth Stein), Into The Wild (Jon Krakauer), Krishna Man and his Philosophy, The Wisdom of The Sands, 大江大海(龍應台), The Mistress of Spices (by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni an Indian American writer), Shantaram (項塔蘭), Eat Pray Love (by Elizabeth Gilbert), The Celestine Prophecy (by James Redfield), The Mindful Way Through Depression, 風格競爭力 (劉維公), 摩托車修理店的未來工作哲學 (林茂昌 譯), 蘇菲的世界 and 庇里牛斯山的城堡 (Jostein Gaarder), 生死學十四講 (余德慧), Hands Of Light: A Guide To Healing Through The Human Energy Field (by Barbara Brennan), The Book of Living and Dying (Osho), 雪洞 The CAVE IN THE SNOW (維琪.麥肯基), 榮格與密宗的29個「覺」The Wisdom of Imperfection (Rob Preece), 聽天使唱歌(許佑生), 設計英國 (鄭育欣), 孤獨是迷人的:艾蜜莉狄瑾蓀的祕密日記 (Jamie Fuller), 溫泉洗去我們的憂傷──追憶逝水空間(郝譽翔), ... 族繁不及備載~