
About me

Gender Female
Occupation Makeup Artist Student
Location Southwest Kansas, United States
Introduction Well let's see. I started out as a spokesmodel for 3 River then moved up to Sale's Representatives and now I am a member of the executive board. (Or at least Chris let's me think I am!) Ok honestly, since I'm all the way across the state from the rest of the gang, I'm just a blogger. I get to write about all the boring stuff that no one else wants to write about since they are out doing actual meaningful stuff for the business! =) But I'll be back soon with an even more important title: Makeup Artist baby!!! So I'll probably blog about that too when I get really bored! Not that I will be too much help (other than a bunch of information that anyone else could give you too...) email me with any questions (or if you would just rather work with me haha) at tegan@3riverphotos.com Peace and Love people!

When your science teacher smashed a frozen rose with a hammer, did you warm the petals to bring them back to life?

Actually I think it was my dad that did that =( And yeah, I probably did. Now I hate flowers. Especially roses. He should have smashed a few more...