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About me

Gender Male
Industry Non-Profit
Occupation Philosopher and Painter
Location Caylus, SW, France
Links Audio Clip, Wishlist
Introduction a sub-social person - au ban de la société
Interests Trop pour les autres. Too many for most people.
Favorite Movies Stalker (Tarkovsky), Fear eats the Soul (Fassbinder)... Separate Lies, Séraphine, The Dead, The two-legged Horse, and dozens of others.
Favorite Music Musiques classiques indiennes/arabes/persanes, Indian and Middle Eastearn Classical Music; European Chamber Music, Musique de Chambre...
Favorite Books 'The Discovery of France' by Graham Robb was one month's favourite. Another one was 'The Shameful Peace: How French Artists and Intellectuals Survived the Nazi Occupation' by Frederic Spotts. This month's favourite is Philippe Claude's 'Brodeck's Report' (Le rapport de Brodeck)

For your birthday, your aunt gave you a maple syrup dispenser shaped like a rooster. Please write her a thank-you note:

Dear Auntie, Thank you for the cock-shaped dispenser. I like nice cocks but dislike sweet things: even the very dark maple syrup is too sweet for me - except on a cock, or is it a rooster ? (What a ridiculously-prudish word!) The cock is now in landfill - the best place for non-avian cocks.