
My blogs

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About me

Gender Male
Location Noosa , Qld, Australia
Introduction G'day ... my name is Charlie and I come from the land downunder. I live in Noosa, Queensland, Australia. I'm a whippet and a VERY GOOD looking whippet at that! Even if I do say so myself. I'm VERY enthusiastic about life. I LOVE everything and everybody. I also love to run .... I think that's a whippet thing! My favourite place to run is the beach. I used to be on dogster but when I heard it was closing down all my mates said I had to come here ... so here I am. It's not closing now but I like it here so here I'm going to stay. Crikey ... I hope you'll all follow me. I love to make new friends!!
Interests I love to RUN!
Favorite Movies I was named after Charlie Allnut in the African Queen with Humphrey Bogart so I guess I have to like that film. I'm not much into films though.
Favorite Music Phill Collins ... Dad plays it all the time so I HAVE to like it!
Favorite Books All books ... I love ripping them to pieces.