
My blogs

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Advertising
Occupation Editor
Introduction I created this blog for two purposes. To talk about my love of running and to share my favorite cooking recipes. I cook as healthy as possible and I am learning the less you eat out, the better you feel both as a runner and a person. I run because of the great emotional high you get after you finish a long run; you really feel like you can do anything. I cook because it's such a release and stress reliever at the end of a long day. Plus, it makes me feel so much better to know the exact ingredients that go into my body. I take shortcuts when I need to, using such things as frozen vegetables or pre-made dressings, and I don't often follow recipes, but I get the tastiest meals on the plate in the shortest amount of time. That's my goal in the kitchen and out running and in life- get as much done in as little time as possible. Hope you enjoy!