Hi, This is Avinash

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Introduction Thank you for visiting this blog.It is an effort to help you.We would keep updating and adding the content which we think wud benifit the members mutually.You are also requested to log-in your comments and help us where we need to improve,correct us where we are wrong.We would be obliged. About me.... What gives me a kick in my job is when i find myself instrumental in getting the right opportunity for the deserving YOU. And the philisophy which prevails in AFFILIATE,the organization i head is very simple.And that is to be passionate for good human resource. If we believe in U,we shall present ur resume with dignity it deserves. We shall give you proper brief of the job description,the KRAs and what you can look forward to in what cud be most important decision of ur professional life. When we put forward your resume,we look forward to "making u a winner" in the long run. And Yes, we are always Happy2Help. My contact number remains 09811883435.