Don Shetterly - Relaxing Piano Music
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- ANGEL NUMBERS - Joanne Sacred Scribes
- Belleau Kitchen
- Bessemer Opinions
- Birds Birds Birds
- Children International
- Father God and I
- Frankly Audio
- Healthy Eating
- Hope, Inspiration And Encouragement
- Inside Indie
- Mind - Body Thoughts
- Say Six!
- The Art of Jesse Noe Mendez
- the world of sangit om
- Trevor Marty
- X
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Pianist & Massage Therapist |
Location | Deltona, Florida, United States |
Introduction | I'm a massage therapist specializing in the mind/body connection who is also a computer techie and in my spare time I enjoy being creative in life especially with my music and writing. I love to play in my garden. I've been on Oprah, Dr Drew, CNN, and the NASA Tweetup (Grail Mission). |
Interests | trauma recovery, healing, massage, therapeutic touch, nervous system, evolutionary healing, Dr Paul Canali, paralysis, child abuse survivors, ptsd, trager, relaxation, children international, secret, centerpointe, holosync, hemisync, relaxing piano music, gratitude, Abraham Hicks, Daily Om, Doreen Virtue, Angels, Mediumship, Psychic, Cassadaga, Emoto, water crystals, moldavite, Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer |
Favorite Movies | The Secret, Pay It Forward, What The Bleep, Lion King |
Favorite Music |, Don Shetterly, Steven Cravis, Yanni, Jim Brickman, Bradley Joseph, George Winston, Cusco, Joy Harjo, Dik Darnell, Paul Spaeth, Sangit Om |
Favorite Books | Waking The Tiger, Rays of The Dawn, Compassionate Touch, Leaping Upon The Mountains, Victims No Longer, The 12 Stages Of Healing, The Hidden Messages In Water, Do What You Love The Money Will Follow, The Wind Is My Mother, The Reconnection, Dreamhealer, Clean House Clean Planet, Meditations To Heal Your LIfe, Positive Energy, A New Earth, Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life, The Lightworkers Way |