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Gender Male
Location BUCHAREST, EUROPE, Romania
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Introduction Pentru a vindeca matricea energetica si informationala a Terrei si pentru a salva actuala civilizatie de la auto-anihilare nu este nevoie sa ne schimbam, ci doar sa intram in starea in care sa ne amintim cine suntem. Accesul la constiinta universului holografic, care se manifesta in fiecare dintre noi este posibil deschizand poarta transei folosind flacara iubirii si a constientei impartiale /In order to change and heal our planet energy matrix we need to open the gate of trance using undistracted Love and impartial Awareness-the beginning and the end of the way for the unfoldement of the consciousness of universe in us. vedeti mai mult despre autor pe:
About Dan Mirahorian/Despre Dan Mirahorian
Contact Mirahorian
Interests HIDDEN, KNOWLEDGE, Trance, transa, Castaneda, Patanjali, Yoga Sutra, Aforismele lui Patanjali, Laozi, Iisus, Socrate, Hypnosis, Lost Civilizations, civilizatii disparure, iubire, constienta, trezire, autocunoastere, lao tzu, trezirea pilotata, desteptarea, eliberarea, moksha, UFO, Mirahorian Antartica, Mars, Earth, Kogi, Inner Journey, alignment, centering, zen, tao, consciousness, awareness, self-knowledge, awakening, love
Favorite Movies The Butterfly Effect, Philadelphia Experiment, Solaris, K-PAX, Phenomenon, Powder, Stargate SG1
Favorite Music Trance, Psy, Kate Bush, Travis, Sting
Favorite Books MIRAHORIAN, Lao Tzu(Lao zi;Lao Tseu), TAO TE CHING, THE WAY TO INNER HEAVEN AND POWER, Chuang tzu(Zhuang zi), Lie Tzu, YI CHING, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, Samkhya of Kapila, Carlos Castaneda, Shunryu Suzuki, Umberto Eco Books, Stanislav Lem, Socrates