Ashley Chappell

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Author
Location Huntsville, AL, United States
Introduction I am in love with all things fiction, but I am an author of primarily YA Fantasy with a sharp slice of humor. You can find more info about my books including the Dreams of Chaos series on When I do get my nose out of a book once in a while, it’s usually to enjoy a movie night or boating/hiking/camping trip with my duprass-mate, Steven (for those of you not familiar with a duprass - 1) I pity you; 2) Google it, then go read CAT'S CRADLE).
Interests Reading/Writing, all things fiction, dragonflies that stop by for a visit, dragging my out-of-shape butt outside for camping, listening to political talk radio just to get mad, dark and delicious beer, anything with four legs, a quiet night cuddled up with a book
Favorite Music I love music that speaks to me and I'm not a genre snob. Nickel Creek, The Beatles, Duke Ellington, Jewel, Rolling Stones, Brahms, Count Basie, The Ting-Tings, Vivaldi, Ladyhawke, Rosemary Clooney... you get the picture. If it comes to favorite genre I'm torn between jazz and classic rock.
Favorite Books Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Now to simplify the rest, let's just go with favorite authors here: Terry and Neil of course, Ken Follett for his mastery of the historical novel, Robert Heinlein for his mastery of dialogue, Asimov for his mastery of my imagination. I firmly believe I gained most of my analytic skills from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series as a child. I'd be remiss here if I didn't mention Douglas Adams, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and P.G. Wodehouse.