
My blogs

About me

Industry Consulting
Occupation Principal Instructional Designer
Location Delhi, Delhi, India
Introduction I thought of the name Living and Learning for the following reasons:

1) Taken together: I consider myself a Learner – like to learn all the time from all situations and all people – so I Live and Learn.

2) Taken individually: I am passionate about all things “Learning” – so I intend to blog about Learning. I also want to blog about anything else that I feel strongly about or anything that takes my fancy – so about Living too.

3) Right now, I do not have the mindspace to manage two separate blogs – so I will use this one for both Living and Learning.

Loooong explanation about a small name – but hey! that’s me

Words I like to use to describe myself – Mom, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Learner, Instructional Designer, Trainer, Reader, Photographer, Cook, …
Interests Reading, Cooking, Traveling