
About me

Introduction I'm sick that I was sick with undiagnosed celiac as long as I was. My inner self is small, my outter large. Since being reborn, I'm learning to live again by reversing that order. I've lost 50 lbs and I'm trying to lose another 50 at least. We'll see when I get there. I'm learning how to exercise but would like to not have so much pain (it doesn't go away). Oh. I believe it's fibromyalgia.
Interests Nutrition, health, celiac disease, gut health, WAPF, Paleodiet, BED or Body Ecology Diet, lower carb dieting, immunity, autism, weight loss, fibromyalgia, thyroid health, diabetes, Alzheimers, heart matters.
Favorite Movies Amelie, Braveheart, Gattica