
Blogs I follow

About me

Industry Tourism
Occupation Assembly-Line Worker
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Introduction So, this is sort of an experiment for me. I have this whole excessive self-criticism thing going on, so my aim is to post bits and pieces of thoughts and ideas as they come to me, without a lot of editing. Hopefully, I can get some of this stuff out of my head... Anyhoo, I'll also be throwing in videos, music, pretty pictures, etc. Y'know, shiny, sparkly baubles to amuse and distract.
Favorite Movies Documentaries, Kurosawa, Kubrick, Fritz Lang, Hitchcock, Film Noir, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Mindwalk, Titicut Follies, Altered States, Dark City, Metropolis, M, Alien Dreamtime, Contact, Waking Life, Parallax View, Seconds, Winter Kills, The Manchurian Candidate, Kenneth Anger
Favorite Music Reggae, Ska, Rock Steady, DJ Cheb i Sabbah, Nick Warren, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Jai Uttal, Krishna Das, The Smiths, Danny Tenaglia, Pet Sounds, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Ulrich Schnauss, Burial, Delerium, Peter Gabriel, Tears For Fears, Aretha Franklin, Motown, The Philly Sound
Favorite Books Animal Farm, The Ecology of Freedom, Remaking Society, John Dewey, The Turning Point, Terence McKenna, Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, Tarot & The Tree of Life, The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (and Six More), The Magic Finger, A Wrinkle In Time, The Annotated Alice, Robert Anton Wilson, Hollywood Babylon 1&2, The Complete Poems of Anne Sexton