
About me

Gender Female
Introduction Hello blogland. It's me, Kelly. I am a 27 year old girl slash woman who is obsessed with clothing, and who is now gracefully stumbling my way through my first preggo-nancy. Woo-hoo for babyland! My husband and I have been married almost a year and a half and reside in the magical music city known as Austin, TX. I am determined to use all of my magical fashion powers to be a "trendy, cool, hip, non dorky" mom after this baby comes out of me. No mom jeans and thick white sneaks for me. If I start to slip to the ugly dark side, I have given permission to my love ones to punch me in the face. I am sure by now you are fascinated and just have to know more about me or you might slip into a deep dark depression. Well don't worry my friendly web friends. It only gets better from here. Tomorrows post might be about preggo nips, or slouch cardigans. You just never know.

All of the phone numbers have fallen out of your address book. Whose number do you look for first and why?

How do phone numbers fall out of a cell phone? This question was created in 1995.