
About me

Gender Female
Location Cape Cod, Massachusetts, United States
Interests Movies, photography, animals, reading, traveling and hanging out with those I love most.
Favorite Movies I have a lot, a few would be:As Good as it Gets, Bad Boys 2, Bubble Boy, Disney's Cinderella, Con Air, All 4 Die Hards, Dogma, Ever After, Gone in 60 Seconds, The Green Mile, Harvey, Home Alone 1&2, Into The Wild, Italian Job, Men in Black, Monsters Inc., National Treasure, Panic Room, Paper Moon, Pirates of the Caribbean 1&2, Princess Bride, Ratatouille, Rear Window, Shawshank Redemption, Signs, The Terminal, Unbreakable, Where the Heart Is.
Favorite Music I don't really have favorite music. I listen to many things, I'm into a lot of soundtracks right now but I do loathe techno and am not a huge country fan.
Favorite Books Angels & Demons, Different Seasons, Ella Enchanted, Fast Food Nation, All Harry Potters, His Dark Materials, Into the Wild, Life of Pi, Lovely Bones, Midnight Sun, Princess Bride, The Other Boleyn Girl, I'm sure there's more but tis all for now.

If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner?

As a vegetarian I find this odd, having considered this I'd have to go with formal attire, glistening evening gown and heals.